There are 2 positions in Sport Psychology currently
listed in the FIT database.
Position Type: Job
Institution: California State University, Dominguez Hills
Position: Assistant or Associate Professor of Psychology
Start Date: 01012006
Application Deadline: August 31, 2005
Details/Requirements: Position AnnouncementPsychologyPosition Summary: The Psychology Department seeks candidates for an Assistant or Associate Professor position. The area of expertise is open. The appointment will be effective for the Spring semester of the 2005-2006 academic year, beginning in January 2006. The Department of Psychology offers a Bachelor�s degree in Psychology and a Master�s degree in Clinical Psychology. Qualifications:Required: Ph.D. in Psychology, college teaching experience, and a commitment to research and service. Preferred: Competence working with culturally diverse populations, and a demonstrated interest in Sport PsychologyPrimary Duties and Responsibilities: Faculty members teach four classes, or their equivalent, each semester, are expected to maintain an active research program, advise students and serve on departmental and university committees. Duties of this position include teaching courses reflecting the candidate�s areas of skills and knowledge (for example, Social Psychology, Cognitive Psychology, Clinical Psychology, Sport Psychology, or Health Psychology) and seeking linkages and collaboration with the Home Depot Center Stadium and the National Sports Training Center, both located on our campus ( and Salary: Appointment will be at the rank of Assistant or Associate Professor, and salary will be dependent upon qualifications and professional experience.Application Procedure: A letter of application, a current resume or curriculum vita, teaching evaluations, a representative sample of publications, and at least three recent letters of recommendation should be sent to: Psychology Search CommitteeDepartment of PsychologyCalifornia State University, Dominguez Hills1000 East Victoria StreetCarson, CA 90747To ensure full consideration, applications must be received by August 31, 2005. The search committee will then begin reviewing applications and will continue its review until the position is filled. The Campus: California State University, Dominguez Hills, is one of 23 campuses that comprise The California State University System. CSU Dominguez Hills is an urban, comprehensive public university that serves a culturally rich, diverse student body of over 12,000 students at the undergraduate and graduate levels. Located in the South Bay portion of the greater Los Angeles metropolitan area, CSU Dominguez Hills has a highly pluralistic student body, which includes a significant number of non-traditional, working adult students as well as approximately 2,000 students enrolled in distance learning programs. The University, with its three professional schools and the College of Arts and Sciences, has more than 300 full-time faculty members and is situated in an area characterized by an extraordinary heterogeneity of people, an extensive array of high technology industries, professional services and a variety of education needs. CSUDH is an Equal Opportunity, Section 504, Title IX Employer. Clery Act crime statistics for CSUDH are available at, or by calling campus Public Safety Department at (310) 243-3639.
Contact: Dr. Larry Rosen
Contact eMail: [email protected]
Contact Phone: 310-243-3477
Department URL:
Mailing Address:
Dr. Larry Rosen
California State University, Dominguez Hills
Psychology Department
CSUDH 1000 E. Victoria St.
Carson, CA 90747
Position Type: Job
Institution: Michigan State University
Position: Assistant/Associate Professor
Start Date: 08/16/2006
Application Deadline: first consideration to applicantion received by January 10, 2006, but the position will remain open until filled
Details/Requirements: Behavioral scientist with expertise in the area of physical activity, broadly defined to include exercise, physical activity, and sport with a special emphasis on youth. Tenure-track position with research encompassing the behavioral determinants of physical activity as well as the outcomes of physical activity on behavioral health and well-being of children and youth.
Contact: Daniel R. Gould, Ph.D.
Contact eMail: [email protected]
Contact Phone:
Department URL:
Mailing Address:
Daniel R. Gould, Ph.D.
Michigan State University
210 IM Sports Circle Building
Michigan State University
East Lansing, MI 48824