Michael Bar-Eli, Editor

Sport Psychology: Linking Theory and Practice

Michael Bar-Eli, Born 23/1/1953, is an associate professor in the Department of Business Administration, School of Management, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beer-Sheva: and Senior Researcher in the Ribstein Center for Sport Medicine Sciences and Research, Wingate Institute, Netanya, Israel. He studied psychology and sociology in Israel and sport psychology and sociology in the German Sport University, Cologne. Bar-Eli has published about 90 international refereed journal articles and book chapters, and numerous journal articles, book chapters and books in Hebrew. He is the current "Social Aspects" section editor of the International Journal of Sport Psychology. He served in senior positions in the psychological organs of the Israel Defense Forces and has often acted as psychological consultant to athletes, primarily in team sports. Bar-Eli is past president of the Israeli Society for Sport Psychology and Sociology, vice president of ASPASP, and managing council member of FEPSAC. He served as guest professor at the Norwegian Sport University, Oslo, Norway, in 1995.